Keybindings: Difference between revisions

From the Dyson Sphere Program Wiki
(Created page with "The development team has indicated that they will soon provide the ability to remap keybindings. Until then, the following table lists all current, default keybindings: {| cl...")
(Updated the keybindings to the new ones and added the xml keybindings id)
Line 1: Line 1:
The development team has indicated that they will soon provide the ability to remap keybindings. Until then, the following table lists all current, default keybindings:
The current list below shows all keybindings, the default key/mouse button and the ''OverrideKeysId'' from the options.xml file inside your folder.

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|Move Forward||W
|Camera rotation||Middle mouse button Drag||48 (only mouse buttons)
|Move Back||A
|Camera rolling||Right mouse button Drag||49 (only mouse buttons)
|Move Left||S
|Camera zoom in||Mouse wheel scroll up||50 (only mouse buttons)
|Move Right||D
|Camera zoom out||Mouse wheel scroll down||51 (only mouse buttons)
|Move to Target||Right Mouse Button
|Move forward||W||1
|Give Multiple Commands||Shift + Right Mouse Button
|Move back||A||2
|Gathering||Right Mouse Button
|Move left||S||3
|Move right||D||4
|Take Off||Double Click Space
|Move to target||Right mouse button||5 (only mouse buttons)
|Flying Up||Space
|Gathering||Right mouse button||7 (only mouse buttons)
|Flying Up||Up Arrow
|Give multiple commands||Shift||6
|Flying Up||Keypad 5
|Flying Down||Alt
|Take off||Double click Space||-
|Flying Down||Down Arrow
|Flying up||Space||10
|Flying Down||Keypad 8
|Flying up||↑||11
|Sail Fly Left||Q
|Flying up||Keypad 5||12
|Sail Fly Left||Left Arrow
|Flying down||Alt||13
|Sail Fly Left||Keypad 4
|Flying down||↓||14
|Sail Fly Right||R
|Flying down||Keypad 8||15
|Sail Fly Right||Right Arrow
|Sail fly left||Q||16
|Sail Fly Right||Keypad 6
|Sail fly left||←||17
|Sailing Mode Acceleration||Shift
|Sail fly left||Keypad 4||18
|Sailing Mode Deceleration||S
|Sail fly right||R||19
|Sail Mode Unlock/Lock Cursor||Tab
|Sail fly right||→||20
|Activate Warp||CapsLock
|Sail fly right||Keypad 6||21
|Confirm Build||Left Mouse Button
|Sailing mode acceleration||Shift||22
|Confirm Build||Enter
|Sailing mode unlock/lock cursor||	||23
|Confirm Build||Keypad Enter
|Activate warp||CapsLock||24
|Copy Selected Building||Shift + Left Mouse Button
|Confirm build||Left mouse button||25 (only mouse buttons)
|Open Building Panel||Left Mouse Button
|Confirm build||Enter||26
|Copy Recipe||<
|Confirm build||Keypad Enter||27
|Paste Recipe||>
|Copy selected building||Shift + Left mouse button||28
|Close Panel||E
|Open vuilding panel||Left mouse button||29 (only mouse buttons)
|Close Panel||Escape
|Copy Recipe||<||30
|Open Inventory||E
|Paste Recipe||>||31
|Open Replicator||F
|Close Panel||E||-
|Open Mecha Panel||C
|Close Panel||Escape||-
|Open Guidebook||G
|Open Inventory||E||-
|Open Statistics Panel||P
|Open Replicator||F||35
|Open Technology Tree||T
|Open Mecha panel||C||36
|Open Details Display||H
|Open Guidebook||G||37
|Turn On/Turn Off the Night Lights||L
|Open Statistics panel||P||38
|Open Planet View||M
|Open Technology tree||T||39
|Lock the Camera to the North Pole||N
|Open Details display||H||40
|Open Starmap||V
|Turn On/Turn Off the night lights||L||41
|Straighten View in the Starmap||N
|Open Planet view||M||42
|Open Dyson Sphere||Y
|Lock the camera to the North Pole||N||43
|Open Game Menu||Escape
|Open Starmap||V||44
|Camera Rotation||Middle Mouse Button Drag
|Straighten view in the Starmap||N||45
|Camera Rolling||Right Mouse Button Drag
|Open Dyson sphere||Y||46
|Camera Zoom In||Mouse Wheel Scroll Up
|Open Game Menu||Escape||-
|Camera Zoom Out||Mouse Wheel Scroll Down
|Enter Construction Mode||B||52
|Enter Construction Mode||B
|Enter Demolition Mode||X||53
|Enter Demolition Mode||X
|Enter Upgrade Mode||U||81
|God Construction Mode Mech Move||Shift
|Chain Dismantle/Upgrade||Shift||82
|Rotate the Building Clockwise||R
|God Construction Mode mech move||Shift||54
|Rotate the Building Clockwise||Right Arrow
|Rotate the building clockwise||R||55
|Rotate the Building Anti-clockwise||Left Arrow
|Rotate the building clockwise||→||56
|Switch Splitter Pattern||Tab
|Rotate the building anticlockwise||←||57
|Expand Foundation Cursor||+
|Switch Splitter pattern||&#9;||58
|Shrink Foundation Cursor||-
|Expand foundation cursor||+||59
|Mining Machine Ignores Grid Snapping||Shift
|Shrink foundation cursor||-||60
|Conveyor Belts Don't Snap the Building||Shift
|Mining machine ignores grid snapping||Shift||61
|Lift Conveyor Belts Target Height One Level||Up Arrow
|Conveyor nelts don't snap the building||Shift||62
|Drop Down Conveyor Belts Target Height One Level||Down Arrow
|Lift Conveyor belts target height one level||↑||63
|Reset the Conveyor Belts Construction Target Height||Keypad 0
|Drop down conveyor belts target height one level||↓||64
|Switch Conveyor Belts Path||R
|Reset the Conveyor belts construction target height||Keypad 0||65
|Switch Conveyor Belts Path||Right Arrow
|Switch Conveyor belts path||R||66
|Switch Right Sorter Settings||Tab
|Switch Conveyor belts path||→||67
|Switch Right Sorter Settings||Right Arrow
|Switch right Sorter settings||&#9;||68
|Switch Left Sorter Settings||Left Arrow
|Switch right Sorter settings||→||69
|Take Items||Left Mouse Button
|Switch left Sorter settings||←||70
|Split Items||Right Mouse Button Drag
|Take items||Left mouse button||-
|Take Multiple Items of the Same Type||Shift + Left Mouse Button
|Split items||Right mouse button Drag||-
|Take All Items of the Same Type||Ctrl + Left Mouse Button
|Take multiple items of the same type||Shift + Left mouse button||-
|Take Any Number Items of the Same Type||Ctrl + Right Mouse Button Drag
|Take all items of the same type||Ctrl + Left mouse button||-
|Put the Item Back||Right Mouse Button
|Take any number items of the same type||Ctrl + Right mouse button Drag||-
|Transfer a Group of Items||Shift + Left Mouse Button
|Put the item back||Right mouse nutton||-
|Transfer All Items||Ctrl + Left Mouse Button
|Transfer a group of items||Shift + Left mouse button||-
|Hide UI||F11 (a second time will hide Mecha, a third time will reset)
|Transfer all items||Ctrl + Left mouse button||-
|Display FPS||Shift + F12
|Hide UI||F11 (a second time will hide Mecha, a third time will reset)||79
|Display FPS||Shift + F12||80

Revision as of 14:10, 10 February 2021

The current list below shows all keybindings, the default key/mouse button and the OverrideKeysId from the options.xml file inside your folder.

Function Key OverrideKeyId
Camera rotation Middle mouse button Drag 48 (only mouse buttons)
Camera rolling Right mouse button Drag 49 (only mouse buttons)
Camera zoom in Mouse wheel scroll up 50 (only mouse buttons)
Camera zoom out Mouse wheel scroll down 51 (only mouse buttons)
Move forward W 1
Move back A 2
Move left S 3
Move right D 4
Move to target Right mouse button 5 (only mouse buttons)
Gathering Right mouse button 7 (only mouse buttons)
Give multiple commands Shift 6
Jump Space -
Take off Double click Space -
Flying up Space 10
Flying up 11
Flying up Keypad 5 12
Flying down Alt 13
Flying down 14
Flying down Keypad 8 15
Sail fly left Q 16
Sail fly left 17
Sail fly left Keypad 4 18
Sail fly right R 19
Sail fly right 20
Sail fly right Keypad 6 21
Sailing mode acceleration Shift 22
Sailing mode unlock/lock cursor 23
Activate warp CapsLock 24
Confirm build Left mouse button 25 (only mouse buttons)
Confirm build Enter 26
Confirm build Keypad Enter 27
Copy selected building Shift + Left mouse button 28
Open vuilding panel Left mouse button 29 (only mouse buttons)
Copy Recipe < 30
Paste Recipe > 31
Close Panel E -
Close Panel Escape -
Open Inventory E -
Open Replicator F 35
Open Mecha panel C 36
Open Guidebook G 37
Open Statistics panel P 38
Open Technology tree T 39
Open Details display H 40
Turn On/Turn Off the night lights L 41
Open Planet view M 42
Lock the camera to the North Pole N 43
Open Starmap V 44
Straighten view in the Starmap N 45
Open Dyson sphere Y 46
Open Game Menu Escape -
Enter Construction Mode B 52
Enter Demolition Mode X 53
Enter Upgrade Mode U 81
Chain Dismantle/Upgrade Shift 82
God Construction Mode mech move Shift 54
Rotate the building clockwise R 55
Rotate the building clockwise 56
Rotate the building anticlockwise 57
Switch Splitter pattern 58
Expand foundation cursor + 59
Shrink foundation cursor - 60
Mining machine ignores grid snapping Shift 61
Conveyor nelts don't snap the building Shift 62
Lift Conveyor belts target height one level 63
Drop down conveyor belts target height one level 64
Reset the Conveyor belts construction target height Keypad 0 65
Switch Conveyor belts path R 66
Switch Conveyor belts path 67
Switch right Sorter settings 68
Switch right Sorter settings 69
Switch left Sorter settings 70
Take items Left mouse button -
Split items Right mouse button Drag -
Take multiple items of the same type Shift + Left mouse button -
Take all items of the same type Ctrl + Left mouse button -
Take any number items of the same type Ctrl + Right mouse button Drag -
Put the item back Right mouse nutton -
Transfer a group of items Shift + Left mouse button -
Transfer all items Ctrl + Left mouse button -
Hide UI F11 (a second time will hide Mecha, a third time will reset) 79
Display FPS Shift + F12 80
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