The Relay Station is a Dark Fog structure build and deployed by the Space Hive. It serves as the bridgehead between Hive and Planetary Base and is able to deploy a Core Driller after arrival on the planet, which then constructs a Planetary Base. The Relay Station sends vessels with matter from the Planetary Base to the Hive, and receives in turn energy from the Hive for the Planetary Base. Since it is the foundation of the Dark Fog's growth, the destruction of Relay Stations that currently occupy a planet is a full scale war declaration to the local Space Hives, leading to a rapid increase in their threat-meter.
- Relay Stations hovering above the Planet are considered upper air targets
- Each Relay needs 10 minutes and 10.800 matter to be built by a Space Hive and 5 additional minutes to fully charge with energy. Then it will attempt to occupy a planet.
- Once a stationed Relay has at least 10.900 matter, a supply ship containing 6000 matter gets sent to the Hive.
- If the destroyed Core Driller is either filled with Foundation or occupied by a Geothermal Power Plant, the Relay will leave.
- Relays prefer to settle on planets with lower player presence.