Starting Seeds

From the Dyson Sphere Program Wiki
Revision as of 17:19, 28 May 2021 by imported>76561197986750640 (→‎Starting Seed - Starting System Data Table: Summarized notes and put within expandable area to not take up a huge chunk of vertical space on the page.)

We are gathering a collection of Starting Seeds - numbers you can put in to the world creation screen, and anything unique or interesting about these seeds that others might find useful. A list of seeds optimised for the late game can be found here.

Anyone can edit this page and add a seed - let's start finding some great starters!

Feel free to use the following codes:

Type Code
Tidal locking TL
Satellite/Moon SAT
Construction area C
Wind Energy W
Solar Energy S
Horizontal Rotation HR
Reverse Rotation RR
Orbital resonance OR
Unknown rare signal URS


Seed Number Interesting Notes Contributor
32455567 2 planets orbiting gas giant, 3rd planet is close to sun and tidal locked. Tilemon
46733729 I [TL] 137% Solar Lava, II Giant Ice/Hydrogen, III [SAT] Start Orbit -16,3° Axial 0,2°, IV [SAT]+[HR] Desert Orbit 1,7° Axial -71,12, Blue Giant 13y, Red Giant 28y, BH 34y, Neutron 34y, BH and Neutron are neighbors, 5xO-Type 5xA-Type, no fire ice ore Draco Nobilis
32377329 All 3 small planets orbit around the gas giant. Home planet is a little disappointing (more copper please!), but having all planets within arms reach is priceless.
35039047 TL middle planet with 110% solar & 100% build area, ice giant Azzaranda
94489436 I Lava (TL) / II Ice Giant (Hydrogen, FireIce) / III Mediteranean (Sat) / IV Baren desert (Fire Ice) Drea58
39525967 I Lava (TL) / II Gas Giant (Hydrogen, Deuterium) / III Mediteranean (Sat) / IV Ashen (Fire Ice) Lambda083
55804541 a single system 4LY away has all mats except for 2 of the rare ones
53369626 blue giant 2.5 luminosity within 12.5 ly
44883152 tidally locked planet in system
35281888 75° inclined starter planet
50532815 tidally locked planet in system, fire ice giant
57014017 Start System = 3 planets around an ice giant
67676767 4 Planets; 3 rocky, 1 gas giant. Gas Giant (I) gives hyd/deut. Home Planet (II) is balanced. Ice planet (III) has Fire Ice. Lava planet (IV) has 150% Wind Energy. Nearest few (2-3) systems are 1-3 LY away. MisterMusic67
69696969 2.5 Luminosity O Type Star 6LY away from home system, Fire Ice / Hydrogen gas giant in starter system, 150% solar (was Wind for me, signed Ruza) on a 100% building area planet in starter system, Outer planet in starter system has fire ice, titanium, and silicon all on it. 𝓐p𝓸th𝓲con
16315940 two horizontal rotating planets in starting system
44444444 10 fire ice nodes on outer planet
77777777 Red White and Blue Giants - Starter Solar has Tidally locked planet vorlondark
21212121 Start System = 3 planets around an ice giant cowboygeeker
71287251 If set to 64 systems, 5 O-types in cluster, but only 1 Neutron and 1 Black Hole
15125656 I Ice giant / II Mediterranean (66.9 build area) / III Ice field gelisol (113 Fire ice nodes) / IV Ashen gelisol (16 Fire ice nodes) - 129 Fire ice nodes in starter system rikvanoostende
13371990 I Gobi (TL) / II Ice Giant / III Mediterranean (SAT, RR) / IV Ice field gelisol / 2 Red Giants ~16-21LY Byte/Advize
33333333 I Arid desert / II Gobi / III Mediterranean (SAT) / IV Ice Giant / B-type Errai System ~9LY with 3 habitable Planets arround Giant / 2 Red Giants ~9LY Byte/fulipes
00000272 I Ice Giant / II Mediterranean (SAT) / III Gobi (SAT) / IV Arid desert (SAT) / 1 Red and 1 Blue Giant ~13LY Unreality/Byte
41231637 I Lava (RR) / II Gobi (TL) / III Ice Giant / IV Mediterranean (SAT, HR) / Neutron/Blackhole/Blue Giant ~4LY goldbergeri79/Byte
47996971 I Lava (OR) / II Ice Giant / III Mediterranean (SAT) / IV Arid desert (SAT) / 1 Red Giant rGlory/Byte
48321031 I Arid desert / II Ice Giant (RR) / III Mediterranean (SAT, RR) / IV Barren desert (URS) / 2 Red Giants rGlory/Byte
32458661 I Gobi (TL) / II Ice Giant / III Mediterranean (SAT) / IV Arid desert (SAT) / 1 Red Giant and Blackhole ~9LY / 1 Blue Giant Masaru/Byte
00000207 I Gas Giant / II Mediterranean (SAT) / III Ashen gelisol (URS) / IV Ice field gelisol (URS) / Blackhole ~7LY / 1 Red and Blue Giant Unreality/Byte
50000017  I Gas Giant / II Mediterranean (SAT, RR) / III Baren desert (HR, URS) / IV Ice field gelisol (URS) / 3 Red Giants Cap/Byte
40988909 I Lava (TL) / II Gobi / III Ice Giant / IV Mediterranean (SAT) / High solar on TL planet Pinksquare
29971707 I Ice Giant / II Mediterranean (SAT) / III Gobi (SAT) / IV Arid desert (SAT) (3 Moons Orbiting Fire Ice Giant) ~2LY 44 Circini - Kimberlite Ore, Sulfuric Acid ~4LY Lambda Corvi - Fire Ice, Kimberlite Ore, Optical Crystal ~5LY Alshat - FIre Ice, Sulfuric Acis ~7LY Theta Gruis - Crude Oil, Organic Crystal, Spiniform Stalagmit Crystal ~7LY Vildur - Crude Oil, Fire Ice, Kimberlite Crystal, Organic Crystal, Spiniform Staagite Crystal ~9LY NTR J2101-18 (Neutron Star) - Fire Ice, Fractal Silicon, Unipolar Magnet ~10LY Kappa Leporis - Crude Oil, Fire Ice, Fractal Silicon, Organic Crystal, Spiniform Stalagmite CryStal ~11LY Suha - Crude Oil, Fire Ice, Organic Crystal, Optical Grating Crystal ~9 & 10LY) Red Giants Vulcon
39664542 Red, yellow, and blue giants. Narnall
98216906 I Ice Giant / II Mediterranean (Sat) / III Gobi (RR, SAT) / IV Ice Field Gelisol / Mediterranean has over 60% build area. Ice Field Gelisol has Fire Ice Veins. When using with 64 stars, will have 9 O type stars Slipstream1993
61723139 Ice Giant / Ashen Gelisol Sat with 100% build area and Fire Ice, Titanium, Silicon. When using with 64 stars, 63 Piscis Austrini is 11ly away with crude oil, organic crystal, fire ice, optical grating crystal, and spiniform stalagmite crystal cnelson711
02518480 Ice giant, plentiful resources, tidal locked lava planet is nearest to its star. Blue giant HV8585 is 5 LY away, luminosity 2.554. Nearby Alpha Librae has oil, fire ice, kimberlite, fractal silicon, spiniform stalagmite and organic crystal. Beta Lacertae 12 LY away, has one gas giant and two ice giants. Late-game 44 Ursa Minoris, luminosity 2.446, innermost planet is tidally locked. Talanic
88954860 I Lava TL C: 86.7% W: 70% S: 136% / II Gas giant / III Mediterranean SAT C: 55% W: 100% S: 99% / IV Ice field Gelisol C: 97.8% W: 70% S: 68% FIV / Neutron Star 7LY UMV FIV FSV JHawkKing
79714060 I Arid desert TL C: 100% W: 150% S: 118% / II Gas giant / III Mediterranean SAT C: 59.3% W: 100% S: 100% / IV Ashen Gelisol C: 100% W: 40% S: 68% FIV JHawkKing
84390904 (similar: 14457329) I Gobi C: 99.1% W: 80% S: 114% / II Gas giant Plural / III Mediterranean SAT C: 68.4% W: 100% S: 93% / IV Ashen Gelisol SAT C: 100% W: 40% S: 93% FIV JHawkKing
60378900 I Gobi TL C: 98.8% W: 80% S: 137% / II Arid desert TL C: 100% W: 150% S: 116% / III Gas giant / IV Mediterranean SAT C: 57.8% W: 100% S: 100% JHawkKing
87802077 I Lava C: 88.1% W: 70% S: 134% / II Gobi TL C: 99.2% W: 80% S: 115% / III Ice Giant / IV Mediterranean SAT C: 62.9% W: 100% S: 97% Quackytheduck

Not-So-Noteworthy Seeds

Seed Number Notes Contributor
00000000 Seems to be a pretty normal starting area. Using for Quick-Start Guide. Rayanth
51102421 I Gas Giant / II Mediterranean (SAT) / III Ice field gelisol / IV Gobi / 1 Red and 1 Blue Giant Byte

Maximum O-Type Stars

Many players find O-Type stars to be ideal for building large dyson spheres, as O-Types strike a good balance between large size (allowing for larger-radius Dyson Spheres) and high luminosity (which acts as a multiplier for the power output of the sphere).

Of all of the possible starting seeds, the following 13 seeds have the maximum number of O-Types found, at 10 O-Types each:

  • 20728612
  • 44572092
  • 44937366
  • 48494440
  • 51053965
  • 51718389
  • 57884214
  • 61571387
  • 62992902
  • 69627050
  • 75421433
  • 78553725
  • 92339680

Starting Seed - Starting System Data Table

The following table is the abbreviations for the rare materials used in this table:

Rare Material Abbreviation
Organic Crystal Vein OCV
Fire Ice Vein FIV
Fractal Silicon Vein FSV
Kimberlite Ore Vein KOV
Optical Grating Crystal Vein OGCV
Spiniform Stalagmite Crystal Vein SSCV
Unipolar Magnet Vein UMV
Seed Stars Discoverer DSP Ver Start Star Planets (GG/IG)(L/I/S) TL SAT HR/RR OR URS Nearest Star OCV FIV FSV KOV OGCV SSCV UMV Notes
67676767 64 MisterMusic67 4 (1/0) (1/1/1) 1 1 1-3 AU 10 veins 4 Planets: 1 Gas Giant and 3 Rocky: 1 Starter, 1 Lava with bonus renewable energy, and 1 Ice with the Fire Ice.
44844315 32 Soc#0903 3 (0/1) 1 2 3 LY 446k Planet 1 TL, Planet 2 IG, Planet 3 Start, Planet 4 Fire Ice - 3/4 orbit 2
87802077 64 Quackytheduck 4 (0/1)


1 1 2 LY
Planet 1 Lava, Planet 2 TL Gobi with Solar/Wind bonus, Planet 3 Ice Giant, Planet 4 Starter Mediterranean orbiting planet 3. Essentially a slightly worse version of 60378900 unless you need lava or slightly more class O stars. See entry in summary seed table.
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