X-Ray Cracking
Data Volume
72.0k Hashes
72.0k Hashes
High-energy X-ray photocatalysis can crack refined oil
into more hydrogen and process the byproducts into
Plasma Extract Refining
Data Volume
36.0k Hashes
36.0k Hashes
Applying new knowledge of plasma technology enables
efficient gathering and refining of Crude Oil which will
Dyson Sphere Stress System
Data Volume
360k Hashes
360k Hashes
As the latitude of the Dyson sphere nodes increases, its surface stress distribution will become more complicated and will be more difficult to maintain the balance of its stress system
Mission Completed!
Data Volume
3.60M Hashes
3.60M Hashes
Congratulations! Builder of great civilizations! The primary mission of the Dyson Sphere Program has been successfully complete with your efforts. (The game will continue after completion)
Dyson Sphere Program