This page defines the Dyson Sphere Program save file format .dsv. On Windows by default save files are stored in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Dyson Sphere Program\Save\
Return to Modding Hub.
A save file parser in C++ written to the specification below is available on GitHub:
float oilSpeedMultiplier = 4E-05f
int64 fileStreamLength
int32 saveFileFormatNumber = 4
int32 majorGameVersion
int32 minorGameVersion
int32 releaseGameVersion
int64 gameTick
int64 nowTicks
int32 sizeOfPngFile
uint8 screenShotPngFile[sizeOfPngFile]
int32 version = 2
string gameName
int64 gameTick
GamePrefsData preferences (version >= 1)
uint8_bool hidePlayerModel (version >= 2)
uint8_bool disableController (version >= 2)
GameStatData statistics
int32 planetId
Player mainPlayer
int32 factoryCount
int32 galaxyStarCount: Must equal GameDesc::starCount or the game will crash.
[galaxyStarCount] {
int32 dysonSphereDataIsAvailableFlag: Must be 0 or 1 or the game will crash.
DysonSphere (dysonSphereDataIsAvailableFlag == 1)
int32 version = 2
int32 galaxyAlgo
int32 galaxySeed
int32 starCount
int32 playerProto
float resourceMultiplier (version >= 2)
int32 numThemeIds (version >= 1)
int32 themeIds[numThemeIds] (version >= 1)
int32 version = 2
double cameraUPos_x
double cameraUPos_y
double cameraUPos_z
float cameraURot_x
float cameraURot_y
float cameraURot_z
float cameraURot_w
int32 reformCursorSize (version >= 1)
int32 numReplicatorMultipliers (version >= 1)
replicatorMultipliers[numReplicatorMultipliers] (version >= 1) {
int32 key
int32 value
uint8_bool detailPower
uint8_bool detailVein
uint8_bool detailSpaceGuide
uint8_bool detailSign
uint8_bool detailIcon
int32 numTutorialShowing (version >= 2)
int32 tutorialShowing[numTutorialShowing] (version >= 2)
int32 version = 2
int32 numRecipeUnlocked
int32 recipeUnlocked[numRecipeUnlocked]
int32 numTutorialUnlocked (version >= 2)
int32 tutorialUnlocked[numTutorialUnlocked] (version >= 2)
int32 numFeatureKeys
int32 featureKeys[numFeatureKeys]
int32 numTechState
TechState[numTechState] {
int32 techProtoIndex
uint8_bool TechState_unlocked
int32 TechState_curLevel
int32 TechState_maxLevel
int64 TechState_hashUploaded
int64 TechState_hashNeeded
uint8_bool autoManageLabItems
int32 currentTech
int32 numTechQueue (version >= 1)
int32 techQueue[numTechQueue] (version >= 1)
int32 universeObserveLevel
float solarSailLife
float solarEnergyLossRate
uint8_bool useIonLayer
int32 inserterStackCount
float logisticDroneSpeed
float logisticDroneSpeedScale
int32 logisticDroneCarries
float logisticShipSailSpeed
float logisticShipWarpSpeed
float logisticShipSpeedScale
uint8_bool logisticShipWarpDrive
int32 logisticShipCarries
float miningCostRate
float miningSpeedScale
int32 storageLevel
int32 labLevel
int32 techSpeed
float dysonNodeLatitude
int64 universeMatrixPointUploaded
uint8_bool missionAccomplished
int32 version = 0
int32 numTechHashedHistory
int32 techHashedHistory[numTechHashedHistory]
int32 version = 0
int32 numFactoryStatPool
FactoryProductionStat factoryStatPool[numFactoryStatPool]
int32 numFirstCreateIds
int32 firstCreateIds[numFirstCreateIds]
int32 numFavoriteIds
int32 favoriteIds[numFavoriteIds]
int32 version = 1
int32 productCapacity
int32 productCursor
ProductStat productPool[productCursor - 1]
int32 numPowerPool, max 5
PowerStat powerPool[numPowerPool]
int32 numProductIndices
int32 productIndices[numProductIndices]
int64 energyConsumption (version >= 1)
int32 version = 0
int32 numCount: Saved as 7200. Reads more or less, but only stores up to 7200, and enforces abs.
int32 count[numCount]
int32 numCursor: Saved as 12. Reads more or less, but only stores up to 12.
int32 cursor[numCount]
int32 numTotal: Saved as 14. Reads more or less, but only stores up to 14, and enforces abs.
int32 total[numCount]
int32 itemId
int32 version = 0
int32 numEnergy: Saved as 3600. Reads more or less, but only stores up to 3600, and enforces abs.
int64 energy[numCount]
int32 numCursor: Saved as 6. Reads more or less, but only stores up to 6.
int32 cursor[numCount]
int32 numTotal: Saved as 7. Reads more or less, but only stores up to 7, and enforces abs.
int64 total[numCount]
int32 version = 1
int32 planetId: Ignored on read
float position_x
float position_y
float position_z
double uPosition_x
double uPosition_y
double uPosition_z
float uRotation_x
float uRotation_y
float uRotation_z
float uRotation_w
int32 EMovementState movementState (Walk, Drift, Fly, Sail)
float warpState
uint8_bool warpCommand
double uVelocity_x
double uVelocity_y
double uVelocity_z
int32 inhandItemId
int32 inhandItemCount
StorageComponent package
int32 sandCount
int32 version = 0
double coreEnergyCap
double coreEnergy
double corePowerGen
double reactorPowerGen
double reactorEnergy
int32 reactorItemId
StorageComponent reactorStorage
StorageComponent warpStorage
double walkPower
double jumpEnergy
double thrustPowerPerAcc
double warpKeepingPowerPerSpeed
double warpStartPowerPerSpeed
double miningPower
double replicatePower
double researchPower
double droneEjectEnergy
double droneEnergyPerMeter
int32 coreLevel
int32 thrusterLevel
float miningSpeed
float replicateSpeed
float walkSpeed
float jumpSpeed
float maxSailSpeed
float maxWarpSpeed
float buildArea
int32 droneCount
float droneSpeed
int32 droneMovement
int32 version = 1
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 previous (version >= 1)
int32 next (version >= 1)
int32 bottom (version >= 1)
int32 top (version >= 1)
int32 EStorageType type (0:Default 1:Fuel 9:Filtered)
int32 gridSize
int32 bans (version >= 1)
grids[gridSize] {
int32 itemId
int32 filter
int32 count
int32 stackSize
int32 version = 0
int32 numTasks
ForgeTask tasks[numTasks]
int32 version = 0
int32 recipeId
int32 count
int32 tick
int32 tickSpend
int32 numItem
int32 numProduct
[numItem] {
int32 itemIds
int32 itemCounts
int32 served
[numProduct] {
int32 productIds
int32 productCounts
int32 produced
int32 parentTaskIndex
int32 version = 0
int32 numItemPoints
itemPoints[numItemPoints] {
int32 key
int32 value
int32 version = 0
int32 stage
float position_x
float position_y
float position_z
float target_x
float target_y
float target_z
float forward_x
float forward_y
float forward_z
float speed
int32 movement
int32 targetObject
float progress
float initialVector_x
float initialVector_y
float initialVector_z
int32 version = 0
uint8_bool navigating
int32 naviAstroId
double naviTarget_x
double naviTarget_y
double naviTarget_z
uint8_bool useFly
uint8_bool useSail
uint8_bool useWarp
int32 ENaviStage stage (None, Departure, OriginOrbit, AccOrbit, Space, DestOrbit, Approaching)
double flyThreshold
double sailThreshold
double warpThreshold
double maxSailSpeed
int32 version = 0
int32 version = 1
int32 planetId
int32 entityCapacity
int32 entityCursor
int32 entityRecycleCursor
EntityData entityPool[entityCursor - 1]
entityAnimPool[entityCursor - 1] {
float time
float prepare_length
float working_length
uint32 state
float power
entitySignPool[entityCursor - 1] {
uint32 signType
uint32 iconType
uint32 iconId0
uint32 iconId1
uint32 iconId2
uint32 iconId3
float count0
float count1
float count2
float count3
float x
float y
float z
float w
int32 entityConnPool[entityCursor * 16 - 16]
int32 entityRecycle[entityRecycleCursor]
int32 prebuildCapacity
int32 prebuildCursor
int32 prebuildRecycleCursor
PrebuildData prebuildPool[prebuildCursor - 1]
int32 prebuildConnPool[prebuildCursor * 16 - 16]
int32 prebuildRecycle[prebuildRecycleCursor]
int32 vegeCapacity
int32 vegeCursor
int32 vegeRecycleCursor
VegeData vegePool[vegeCursor - 1]
int32 vegeRecycle[vegeRecycleCursor]
int32 veinCapacity
int32 veinCursor
int32 veinRecycleCursor
VeinData veinPool[veinCursor - 1]
int32 veinRecycle[veinRecycleCursor]
veinAnimPool[veinCursor - 1] {
float time
float prepare_length
float working_length
uint32 state
float power
PlatformSystem (version >= 1)
int32 modDataByteCount
uint8 modData[modDataByteCount]
int32 numVeinAmounts
int64 veinAmounts[numVeinAmounts]: The index is the EVeinType. This contains the total of the veinGroups's amounts which is also the total of the VeinData::amounts.
int32 numVeinGroups
veinGroups[numVeinGroups] {
int32 EVeinType type (None, Iron, Copper, Silicium, Titanium, Stone, Coal, Oil, Fireice, Diamond, Fractal, Crysrub, Grat, Bamboo, Mag)
float pos_x
float pos_y
float pos_z
int32 count: Read, but then set to zero
int64 amount: Read, but then set to zero
uint8 version = 0
int32 id
int16 protoId
int16 modelIndex
float pos_x
float pos_y
float pos_z
float rot_x
float rot_y
float rot_z
float rot_w
int32 beltId
int32 splitterId
int32 storageId
int32 tankId
int32 minerId
int32 inserterId
int32 assemblerId
int32 fractionateId
int32 ejectorId
int32 siloId
int32 labId
int32 stationId
int32 powerNodeId
int32 powerGenId
int32 powerConId
int32 powerAccId
int32 powerExcId
int32 monsterId
uint8 version = 0
int32 id
int16 protoId
int16 modelIndex
float pos_x
float pos_y
float pos_z
float rot_x
float rot_y
float rot_z
float rot_w
float pos2_x
float pos2_y
float pos2_z
float rot2_x
float rot2_y
float rot2_z
float rot2_w
int32 upEntity
int16 pickOffset
int16 insertOffset
int32 recipeId
int32 filterId
int32 refCount
int32 refArr[refCount]
uint8 version = 0
int32 id
int16 protoId
int16 modelIndex
int16 hp
float pos_x
float pos_y
float pos_z
float rot_x
float rot_y
float rot_z
float rot_w
float scl_x
float scl_y
float scl_z
uint8 version = 0
int32 id
int16 EVeinType (see above)
int16 modelIndex
int16 groupIndex
int32 amount
int32 productId
float pos_x
float pos_y
float pos_z
int32 minerCount
int32 minerId0
int32 minerId1
int32 minerId2
int32 minerId3
int32 version = 0
int32 poolCapacity
int32 cursor
int32 recycleBegin
int32 recycleEnd
cargoPool[cursor] {
int32 item
float position_x
float position_y
float position_z
float rotation_x
float rotation_y
float rotation_z
float rotation_w
int32 recycleIds[poolCapacity]
int32 version = 0
int32 beltCursor
int32 beltCapacity
int32 beltRecycleCursor
int32 splitterCursor
int32 splitterCapacity
int32 splitterRecycleCursor
int32 pathCursor
int32 pathCapacity
int32 pathRecycleCursor
BeltComponent beltPool[beltCursor - 1]
int32 beltRecycle[beltRecycleCursor]
SplitterComponent splitterPool[splitterCursor - 1]
int32 splitterRecycle[splitterRecycleCursor]
[pathCursor - 1] {
int32 cargoPathIndex
CargoPath pathPool (cargoPathIndex != 0)
int32 pathRecycle[pathRecycleCursor]
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 speed
int32 segPathId
int32 segIndex
int32 segPivotOffset
int32 segLength
int32 outputId
int32 backInputId
int32 leftInputId
int32 rightInputId
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 beltA
int32 beltB
int32 beltC
int32 beltD
int32 input0
int32 input1
int32 input2
int32 input3
int32 output0
int32 output1
int32 output2
int32 output3
uint8_bool inPriority
uint8_bool outPriority
int32 outFilter
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 capacity
int32 bufferLength
int32 chunkCapacity
int32 chunkCount
int32 updateLen
uint8_bool closed
int32 outputPathIdForImport
int32 outputIndex
int32 numBelts
int32 numInputPaths
uint8 buffer[bufferLength]
int32 chunks[chunkCount * 3]
[bufferLength] {
float pointPos_x
float pointPos_y
float pointPos_z
float pointRot_x
float pointRot_y
float pointRot_z
float pointRot_w
int32 belts[numBelts]
int32 inputPaths[numInputPaths]
int32 version = 0
int32 storageCursor
int32 storageCapacity
int32 storageRecycleCursor
[storageCursor - 1] {
int32 storagePoolIndex
int32 size (storagePoolIndex != 0)
StorageComponent storagePool (storagePoolIndex != 0)
int32 storageRecycle[storageRecycleCursor]
int32 tankCapacity
int32 tankCursor
int32 tankRecycleCursor
TankComponent tankPool[tankCursor - 1]
int32 tankRecycle[tankRecycleCursor]
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 lastTankId
int32 nextTankId
int32 belt0
int32 belt1
int32 belt2
int32 belt3
uint8_bool isOutput0
uint8_bool isOutput1
uint8_bool isOutput2
uint8_bool isOutput3
int32 fluidStorageCount
int32 currentCount
int32 fluidId
uint8_bool outputSwitch
uint8_bool inputSwitch
uint8_bool isBottom
int32 version = 0
int32 generatorCapacity
int32 genCursor
int32 genRecycleCursor
PowerGeneratorComponent genPool[genCursor - 1]
int32 genRecycle[genRecycleCursor]
int32 nodeCapacity
int32 nodeCursor
int32 nodeRecycleCursor
PowerNodeComponent nodePool[nodeCursor - 1]
int32 nodeRecycle[nodeRecycleCursor]
int32 consumerCapacity
int32 consumerCursor
int32 consumerRecycleCursor
PowerConsumerComponent consumerPool[consumerCursor - 1]
int32 consumerRecycle[consumerRecycleCursor]
int32 accumulatorCapacity
int32 accCursor
int32 accRecycleCursor
PowerAccumulatorComponent accPool[accCursor - 1]
int32 accRecycle[accRecycleCursor]
int32 exchangerCapacity
int32 excCursor
int32 excRecycleCursor
PowerExchangerComponent excPool[excCursor - 1]
int32 excRecycle[excRecycleCursor]
int32 networkCapacity
int32 netCursor
int32 netRecycleCursor
[netCursor] {
int32 powerNetworkIncludedFlag
PowerNetwork netPool (powerNetworkIncludedFlag == 1)
int32 netRecycle[netRecycleCursor]
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 networkId
uint8_bool photovoltaic
uint8_bool wind
uint8_bool gamma
int64 genEnergyPerTick
int64 useFuelPerTick
int16 fuelMask
int64 fuelEnergy
int16 curFuelId
int16 fuelId
int16 fuelCount
int64 fuelHeat
int32 catalystId
int32 catalystPoint
int32 productId
float productCount
int64 productHeat
float warmup
float ionEnhance
float x
float y
float z
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 networkId
uint8_bool isCharger
int32 workEnergyPerTick
int32 idleEnergyPerTick
int32 requiredEnergy
float powerPoint_x
float powerPoint_y
float powerPoint_z
float connectDistance
float coverRadius
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 networkId
float plugPos_x
float plugPos_y
float plugPos_z
int64 requiredEnergy
int64 servedEnergy
int64 workEnergyPerTick
int64 idleEnergyPerTick
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 networkId
int64 inputEnergyPerTick
int64 outputEnergyPerTick
int64 curEnergy
int64 maxEnergy
int32 version = 1
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 networkId
int16 emptyCount
int16 fullCount
float targetState
float state
int64 energyPerTick
int64 curPoolEnergy
int64 poolMaxEnergy
int32 emptyId
int32 fullId
int32 belt0 (version >= 1)
int32 belt1 (version >= 1)
int32 belt2 (version >= 1)
int32 belt3 (version >= 1)
uint8_bool isOutput0 (version >= 1)
uint8_bool isOutput1 (version >= 1)
uint8_bool isOutput2 (version >= 1)
uint8_bool isOutput3 (version >= 1)
int32 outputSlot (version >= 1)
int32 inputSlot (version >= 1)
int32 outputRectify (version >= 1)
int32 inputRectify (version >= 1)
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 numNodes
int32 numConsumers
int32 numGenerators
int32 numAccumulators
int32 numExchangers
int32 consumers[numConsumers]
int32 generators[numGenerators]
int32 accumulators[numAccumulators]
int32 exchangers[numExchangers]
int32 version = 0
int32 id
float x
float y
float z
float connDistance2
float coverRadius2
int32 genId
int32 accId
int32 excId
int32 numConnIdsForLoad
int32 numLineIdsForLoad
int32 numConsumers
int32 connIdsForLoad[numConnIdsForLoad]
int32 lineIdsForLoad[numLineIdsForLoad]
int32 consumers[numConsumers]
int32 version = 0
int32 minerCapacity
int32 minerCursor
int32 minerRecycleCursor
MinerComponent minerPool[minerCursor - 1]
int32 minerRecycle[minerRecycleCursor]
int32 inserterCapacity
int32 inserterCursor
int32 inserterRecycleCursor
InserterComponent inserterPool[inserterCursor - 1]
int32 inserterRecycle[inserterRecycleCursor]
int32 assemblerCapacity
int32 assemblerCursor
int32 assemblerRecycleCursor
AssemblerComponent assemblerPool[assemblerCursor - 1]
int32 assemblerRecycle[assemblerRecycleCursor]
int32 fractionateCapacity
int32 fractionateCursor
int32 fractionateRecycleCursor
FractionateComponent fractionatePool[fractionateCursor - 1]
int32 fractionateRecycle[fractionateRecycleCursor]
int32 ejectorCapacity
int32 ejectorCursor
int32 ejectorRecycleCursor
EjectorComponent ejectorPool[ejectorCursor - 1]
int32 ejectorRecycle[ejectorRecycleCursor]
int32 siloCapacity
int32 siloCursor
int32 siloRecycleCursor
SiloComponent siloPool[siloCursor - 1]
int32 siloRecycle[siloRecycleCursor]
int32 labCapacity
int32 labCursor
int32 labRecycleCursor
LabComponent labPool[labCursor - 1]
int32 labRecycle[labRecycleCursor]
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 pcId
int32 EMinerType type (None, Water, Vein, Oil)
int32 speed
int32 time
int32 period
int32 insertTarget
int32 EWorkState workstate (Idle, Running, Outputing, Lack, Full)
int32 veinCount
int32 veins[veinCount]
int32 currentVeinIndex
int32 minimumVeinAmount
int32 productId
int32 productCount
uint32 seed
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 pcId
int32 EInserterStage stage (Picking, Sending, Inserting, Returning)
int32 speed
int32 time
int32 stt
int32 delay
int32 pickTarget
int32 insertTarget
uint8_bool careNeeds
uint8_bool canStack
int16 pickOffset
int16 insertOffset
int32 filter
int32 itemId
int32 stackCount
int32 stackSize
float pos2_x
float pos2_y
float pos2_z
float rot2_x
float rot2_y
float rot2_z
float rot2_w
int16 t1
int16 t2
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 pcId
uint8_bool replicating
uint8_bool outputing
int32 speed
int32 time
int32 recipeId
(recipeId > 0) {
int32 ERecipeType recipeType (0:None 1:Smelt 2:Chemical 3:Refine 4:Assemble 5:Particle 6:Exchange 7:PhotonStore 8:Fractionate 15:Research)
int32 timeSpend
int32 numRequires
int32 requires[numRequires]
int32 numRequireCounts
int32 requireCounts[numRequireCounts]
int32 numServed
int32 served[numServed]
int32 numNeeds
int32 needs[numNeeds]
int32 numProducts
int32 products[numProducts]
int32 numProductCounts
int32 productCounts[numProductCounts]
int32 numProduced
int32 produced[numProduced]
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 pcId
int32 belt0
int32 belt1
int32 belt2
uint8_bool isOutput0
uint8_bool isOutput1
uint8_bool isOutput2
uint8_bool isWorking
float produceProb
int32 need
int32 product
int32 needCurrCount
int32 productCurrCount
int32 oriProductCurrCount
int32 progress
uint8_bool isRand
uint8_bool fractionateSuccess
int32 needMaxCount
int32 productMaxCount
int32 oriProductMaxCount
uint32 seed
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 planetId
int32 pcId
int32 direction
int32 time
uint8_bool fired
int32 chargeSpend
int32 coldSpend
int32 bulletId
int32 bulletCount
int32 orbitId
float pivotY
float muzzleY
float localPosN_x
float localPosN_y
float localPosN_z
float localAlt
float localRot_x
float localRot_y
float localRot_z
float localRot_w
float localDir_x
float localDir_y
float localDir_z
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 planetId
int32 pcId
int32 direction
int32 time
uint8_bool fired
int32 chargeSpend
int32 coldSpend
int32 bulletId
int32 bulletCount
int32 autoIndex
uint8_bool hasNode
float localPos_x
float localPos_y
float localPos_z
float localRot_x
float localRot_y
float localRot_z
float localRot_w
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
int32 pcId
int32 nextLabId
uint8_bool replicating
uint8_bool outputing
int32 time
int32 hashBytes
uint8_bool researchMode
int32 recipeId
int32 techId
(not researchMode and recipeId > 0) {
int32 timeSpend
int32 numRequires
int32 requires[numRequires]
int32 numRequireCounts
int32 requireCounts[numRequireCounts]
int32 numServed
int32 served[numServed]
int32 numNeeds
int32 needs[numNeeds]
int32 numProducts
int32 products[numProducts]
int32 numProductCounts
int32 productCounts[numProductCounts]
int32 numProduced
int32 produced[numProduced]
(researchMode) {
int32 numMatrixPoints
int32 matrixPoints[numMatrixPoints]
int32 numMatrixServed
int32 matrixServed[numMatrixServed]
int32 numNeeds
int32 needs[numNeeds]
int32 version = 0
int32 stationCursor
int32 stationCapacity
int32 stationRecycleCursor
[stationCursor - 1] {
int32 stationIndex
StationComponent stationPool (stationIndex != 0)
int32 stationRecycle[stationRecycleCursor]
int32 version = 2
int32 id
int32 gid
int32 entityId
int32 planetId
int32 pcId
int32 gene
float droneDock_x
float droneDock_y
float droneDock_z
float shipDockPos_x
float shipDockPos_y
float shipDockPos_z
float shipDockRot_x
float shipDockRot_y
float shipDockRot_z
float shipDockRot_w
uint8_bool isStellar
int32 nameIsIncludedFlag (0 or 1)
string name (nameIsIncludedFlag > 0)
int64 energy
int64 energyPerTick
int64 energyMax
int32 warperCount
int32 warperMaxCount
int32 idleDroneCount
int32 workDroneCount
int32: Used for allocating array sizes for workDroneDatas and workDroneOrders, and not uses for read in the arrays.
DroneData workDroneDatas[workDroneCount]
LocalLogisticOrder workDroneOrders[workDroneCount]
int32 idleShipCount
int32 workShipCount
uint64 idleShipIndices
uint64 workShipIndices
int32: Used for allocating array sizes for workShipDatas, shipRenderers, shipUIRenderers, workShipOrders, and not uses for read in the arrays.
ShipData workShipDatas[workShipCount]
RemoteLogisticOrder workShipOrders[workShipCount]
int32 numStorage
(version >= 1) {
int32 numSlots
slots[numSlots] {
int32 dir
int32 beltId
int32 storageIdx
int32 counter
int32 localPairProcess
int32 remotePairProcess
int32 nextShipIndex
uint8_bool isCollector
int32 numCollectionIds
int32 collectionIds[numCollectionIds]
int32 numCollectionPerTick
float collectionPerTick[numCollectionPerTick]
int32 numCurrentCollections
float currentCollections[numCurrentCollections]
int32 collectSpeed
double tripRangeDrones (version >= 2)
double tripRangeShips (version >= 2)
uint8_bool includeOrbitCollector (version >= 2)
double warpEnableDist (version >= 2)
uint8_bool warperNecessary (version >= 2)
int32 deliveryDrones (version >= 2)
int32 deliveryShips (version >= 2)
int32 version = 0
float begin_x
float begin_y
float begin_z
float end_x
float end_y
float end_z
int32 endId
float direction
float maxt
float t
int32 itemId
int32 itemCount
int32 gene
int32 version = 0
int32 otherStationId
int32 thisIndex
int32 otherIndex
int32 itemId
int32 thisOrdered
int32 otherOrdered
int32 version = 0
int32 stage
int32 planetA
int32 planetB
double uPos_x
double uPos_y
double uPos_z
float uVel_x
float uVel_y
float uVel_z
float uSpeed
float warpState
float uRot_x
float uRot_y
float uRot_z
float uRot_w
float uAngularVel_x
float uAngularVel_y
float uAngularVel_z
float uAngularSpeed
double pPosTemp_x
double pPosTemp_y
double pPosTemp_z
float pRotTemp_x
float pRotTemp_y
float pRotTemp_z
float pRotTemp_w
int32 otherGId
int32 direction
float t
int32 itemId
int32 itemCount
int32 gene
int32 shipIndex
int32 warperCnt
int32 version = 0
int32 otherStationGId
int32 thisIndex
int32 otherIndex
int32 itemId
int32 thisOrdered
int32 otherOrdered
int32 version = 0
int32 itemId
int32 count
int32 localOrder
int32 remoteOrder
int32 max
int32 ELogisticStorage localLogic (None, Supply, Demand)
int32 ELogisticStorage remoteLogic
int32 version = 0
int32 monsterCapacity
int32 monsterCursor
int32 monsterRecycleCursor
MonsterComponent monsterPool[monsterCursor - 1]
int32 monsterRecycle[monsterRecycleCursor]
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 entityId
float walkSpeed
float point0_x
float point0_y
float point0_z
float point1_x
float point1_y
float point1_z
float point2_x
float point2_y
float point2_z
int32 direction
float stopTime
float t
float stopCurrentTime
int32 EMonsterState monsterState (Null, Stopped, Wandering)
float stepDistance
int32 version = 0
int32 reformDataByteCount
uint8 reformData[reformDataByteCount]: If count exceeds a limit, count is read, but only the limit is used.
int32 reformOffsetsByteCount
uint32 reformOffsets[reformOffsetsByteCount]: If count exceeds a limit, count is read, but only the limit is used.
int32 version = 2
(version >= 1) {
int32 randSeed
int32 = 1212: File will be rejected if the value is not 1212
int32 layerCount
int32 numDysonSphereLayer
[numDysonSphereLayer - 1] {
int32 dysonSphereLayerIndex
DysonSphereLayer (dysonSphereLayerIndex != 0)
int32 rocketCapacity
int32 rocketCursor
int32 rocketRecycleCursor
DysonRocket rocketPool[rocketCursor - 1]
int32 rocketRecycle[rocketRecycleCursor]
int32 autoNodeCount
int32 numAutoNodes
[numAutoNodes] {
int32 autoNodeIncludedFlag
int32 layerId (autoNodeIncludedFlag > 0)
int32 nodeId (autoNodeIncludedFlag > 0)
(version >= 2) {
int32 nrdCapacity
int32 nrdCursor
int32 nrdRecycleCursor
DysonNodeRData nrdPool[nrdCursor - 1]
int32 nrdRecycle[nrdRecycleCursor]
int32 version = 4
(version >= 1) {
int32 randSeed
int32 sailCapacity
int32 sailCursor
int32 sailRecycleCursor
sailPoolForSave[sailCursor] {
float st
float px
float py
float pz
float vx
float vy
float vz
float gs
sailInfos[sailCursor] {
uint32 orbit
uint32 node (version >= 3)
uint32 kill (version >= 3)
float posr_x (version >= 4)
float posr_y (version >= 4)
float posr_z (version >= 4)
int32 sailRecycle[sailRecycleCursor]
int32 orbitCapacity
int32 orbitCursor
SailOrbit orbits[orbitCursor - 1]
int32 numExpiryOrder: Must match sailCapacity or the game will crash.
int32 expiryCursor
int32 expiryEnding
[numExpiryOrder] {
int64 time
int32 index
(version >= 2) {
int32 numAbsorbOrder: Must match sailCapacity or the game will crash.
int32 absorbCursor
int32 absorbEnding
absorbOrder[numAbsorbOrder] {
int64 time
int32 index
int32 layer
int32 node
int32 bulletCapacity
int32 bulletCursor
int32 bulletRecycleCursor
SailBullet bulletPool[bulletCursor - 1]
int32 bulletRecycle[bulletRecycleCursor]
int32 version = 0
int32 id
float radius
float rotation_x
float rotation_y
float rotation_z
float rotation_w
float up_x
float up_y
float up_z
int32 count
uint8_bool enabled
int32 version = 0
int32 id
float t
float maxt
int32 state
float rBegin_x
float rBegin_y
float rBegin_z
float rEnd_x
float rEnd_y
float rEnd_z
float lBegin_x
float lBegin_y
float lBegin_z
float uEndVel_x
float uEndVel_y
float uEndVel_z
double uBegin_x
double uBegin_y
double uBegin_z
double uEnd_x
double uEnd_y
double uEnd_z
int32 version = 0
int32 id
float orbitRadius
float orbitRotation_x
float orbitRotation_y
float orbitRotation_z
float orbitRotation_w
float orbitAngularSpeed
float currentAngle
float currentRotation_x
float currentRotation_y
float currentRotation_z
float currentRotation_w
float nextRotation_x
float nextRotation_y
float nextRotation_z
float nextRotation_w
int32 gridMode
int32 nodeCapacity
int32 nodeCursor
int32 nodeRecycleCursor
[nodeCursor - 1] {
int32 dysonNodeIndex
DysonNode (dysonNodeIndex != 0)
int32 nodeRecycle[nodeRecycleCursor]
int32 frameCapacity
int32 frameCursor
int32 frameRecycleCursor
[frameCursor - 1] {
int32 dysonFrameIndex
DysonFrame (dysonFrameIndex != 0)
int32 frameRecycle[frameRecycleCursor]
int32 shellCapacity
int32 shellCursor
int32 shellRecycleCursor
[shellCursor - 1] {
int32 dysonShellIndex
DysonShell (dysonShellIndex != 0)
int32 shellRecycle[shellRecycleCursor]
int32 version = 4
int32 id
int32 protoId
int32 layerId
uint8_bool use
uint8_bool reserved
float pos_x
float pos_y
float pos_z
int32 sp
int32 spMax
int32 spOrdered
int32 cpOrdered (version >= 3)
int32 rid (version >= 2)
int32 frameTurn
int32 shellTurn (version >= 1)
int32 _spReq
int32 _cpReq (version >= 4)
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 protoId
int32 layerId
uint8_bool reserved
int32 nodeId
int32 nodeId2
uint8_bool euler
int32 spA
int32 spB
int32 spMax
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 protoId
int32 layerId
int32 randSeed
int32 numPolygon
polygon[numPolygon] {
float item_x
float item_y
float item_z
int32 numDysonNode
int32 nodeId[numDysonNode]: Must be an existing ID or the game will crash.
int32 vertexCount
int32 triangleCount
int32 numVerts
verts[numVerts] {
float x
float y
float z
int32 numPqArr
pqArr[numPqArr] {
int32 x
int32 y
int32 numTris
int32 tris[numTris]
int32 numVAdjs
int32 vAdjs[numVAdjs]
int32 numVertAttr
int32 vertAttr[numVertAttr]
int32 numVertsq
int32 vertsq[numVertsq]
int32 numVertsqOffset
int32 vertsqOffset[numVertsqOffset]
int32 numNodecps
int32 nodecps[numNodecps]
int32 numVertcps
int32 vertcps[numVertcps]
int32 vertRecycleArraySize
int32 vertRecycleCursor
int32 vertRecycle[vertRecycleCursor]
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 nodeLayerId
int32 nodeId
int32 planetId
float t
float uSpeed
double uPos_x
double uPos_y
double uPos_z
float uRot_x
float uRot_y
float uRot_z
float uRot_w
float uVel_x
float uVel_y
float uVel_z
float launch_x
float launch_y
float launch_z
int32 version = 0
int32 id
int32 layerId
float pos_x
float pos_y
float pos_z
float angularVel
float layerRot_x
float layerRot_y
float layerRot_z
float layerRot_w