Graviton Lens
A piece of neutron star material that has been encapsulated after processing, its twisted and powerful gravitational field is shielded in a container. Usually, we will use it to process and change the spatial structure, but we can expect some one use it to refract the sunlight and ignite fire.
A Graviton Lens can be used to double the power output of a Ray Receiver and also extend its line of sight to the Dyson Sphere by a limited distance. The latter only works on planets with an atmosphere. See Ray Receiver for more information.
The Graviton Lens is also an component for the Gravity Matrix and Space Warper.
Production Chain
Production Progression Chart
- For more information on reading and using these charts, see Production Progression Chart.
Used In
Player Tips & Tricks
It could be better to make Space Warpers from Gravity Matrices, but the complexity of making Quantum Chips may force the player to make them directly from Graviton Lenses early on.