Small Carrier Rockets are the heavy lifters of the Dyson Sphere Program. Each Small Carrier Rocket becomes one "structure point" in the Dyson sphere. They are fairly expensive to make, but even without any Solar Sails integrated into the Dyson sphere, each structure point generates 96kW of power (multiplied by the star's luminosity), and every cell point (made by absorbing Solar Sails) gives 15kW multiplied by luminosity.
Production Chain
Player Tips & Tricks
Small Carrier Rockets must be launched from a Vertical Launching Silo to form the Dyson sphere.
It takes a colossal amount of resources to construct even a partial Dyson sphere, in the range of tens of thousands of Small Carrier Rockets and hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of Solar Sails. Players who intend to construct Dyson spheres must be prepared to automate resource gathering and production on an interstellar scale.