Hydrogen Fuel Rod

From the Dyson Sphere Program Wiki
Hydrogen Fuel Rod
End Product, Fuel
With a further development of cryo-technology, we can liquefy hydrogen to make fuel rod with higher energy. The higher the energy of the fuel rod, the more increase of the mecha fuel power.
Icon Hydrogen Fuel Rod.png
Fuel TypeChemical
Energy54.0 MJ
Fuel Chamber Gen.+200%
Made InAssembler
Stack Size30

Icon Hydrogen Fuel Rod.png
6 s
Icon Titanium Ingot.png
Icon Hydrogen.png


Hydrogen Fuel Rods are a mid-game fuel source made from hydrogen and titanium ingots. They are more efficient and contain more energy than early-game energy sources (such as energetic graphite), but are slightly harder to acquire. They an be used in thermal power stations and the Icarus' core reactor.

Production Chain

Recipe Building Replicator? Technology
Icon Hydrogen Fuel Rod.png
6 s
Icon Titanium Ingot.png
Icon Hydrogen.png
Icon Assembling Machine Mk.I.pngIcon Assembling Machine Mk.II.pngIcon Assembling Machine Mk.III.pngIcon Re-composing Assembler.png
Tech Hydrogen Fuel Rod.png

Production Progression Chart

For more information on reading and using these charts, see Production Progression Chart.
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Player Tips & Tricks

  • Crafting 10 hydrogen into 2 hydrogen fuel rods confers a 20% raw energy gain (+18 MJ). The net energy gain (subtracting power used by assemblers and sorters) is 18.6% (+16.8 MJ).
  • Hydrogen Fuel Rods burn for 20 seconds in a Thermal Power Station. One Assembling Machine Mk.I producing Hydrogen Fuel Rods can support 5 Thermal Power Stations.


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