Plasma Turret

From the Dyson Sphere Program Wiki
Plasma Turret
After being stimulated, the matter inside an energy capsule will be in a high-energy plasma state. It will then be quickly emitted by the Plasma Turret's accelerator to generate high-speed plasma beams. Such beams are extremely penetrating and destructive, and can effectively destroy space targets.
Icon Plasma Turret.png
Durability800 hp
Turret TypeEnergy Weapon
Target TypeVS Space
Range of Space Defense6500 m
Ammo TypeEnergy Capsule
Fire Rate1 shots/s
Work Consumption1.68 MW
Idle Consumption84.0 kW
Made inAssembler
Stack Size50

Icon Plasma Turret.png
10 s
Icon Titanium Alloy.png
Icon Titanium Glass.png
Icon Super-Magnetic Ring.png
Icon Plasma Exciter.png
Icon Processor.png


The Plasma Turret is a long-range space defense turret. It is the only turret besides the Missile Turret that can attack Upper Air and Space targets, but it packs much more of a punch. Its projectiles travel at extreme speed, even faster than Gravity Missiles, and Plasma Capsules have the same DPS as Gravity Missiles and are far simpler to produce. Combining the extremely fast projectiles, enormous range, and hefty damage, Plasma Turrets can reduce space invasions to dust before the Dark Fog gets a single shot off. However, they are completely helpless against grounded Dark Fog targets.

Plasma Turrets use Plasma Capsules and Antimatter Capsules as ammo. While these deal damage in a blast radius, distances in space are so vast that Plasma Turrets are effectively single-target.

Production Chain

Recipe Building Replicator? Technology
10 s

Production Progression Chart

For more information on reading and using these charts, see Production Progression Chart.

Player Tips & Tricks

  • By default, Plasma Turrets are configured to not engage Upper Air targets. Enabling this targeting allows them to attack Relay Stations, which provide matter to the Dark Fog Space Hive and power their Planetary Bases. Although attacking Relays will greatly increase the Hive's threat level, a solid array of Plasma Turrets may still be able to fend off its retaliation.
    • Destroying Relay Stations that are approaching the planet but that have not yet landed will not increase the Hive's threat level.
  • Placing a small ring of Plasma Turrets near the planet's north and south poles is an easy and relatively cheap way to defend against space invasions. Once the planet's energy budget has expanded enough, Planetary Shield Generators can be incorporated into the defense as well.
  • Plasma Turrets will only attack space Dark Fog units if they are labeled red on the starmap, which only happens when they are actively attacking Icarus or mobilizing to attack the planet. This means that a Hive can orbit close to a planet with Plasma Turrets, without the turrets firing on the Hive and initiating a skirmish.
    • However, if Icarus takes off from a planet orbiting close to a Hive, the Hive may launch an attack on Icarus. If this happens, the planet's Plasma Turrets will begin shooting at the aggressive Dark Fog units, which may lead to the entire Hive attacking the planet. Be prepared to have strong planetary shields and a good supply of ammo if this is a possibility, as such a conflict is essentially a global planetary invasion orders of magnitude larger than normal.
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